Virtuousness=the quality of doing what is right and avoiding
what is wrong

valedictorian=the student with the best grades

maneuver=act in order to achieve certain goal

cackle=unpleasant kind of laughing

clutch=grab, hold

flamboyantly=in a fancy colourful manner

crackpot=someone regarded as mad

bountiful=producing in abundance

unsavory=morally offensive

vague=not clearly understood

muddled=confused or vague

triumph=a successful ending of a struggle or contest

inevitable=an unavoidable event

surefooted=not liable to error

mediocrity=averageness, second-rated

derelict=a person unable to support himself

endurance=the power to withstand hardship

manifold=make multiple copies of

gestation=state of being pregnent

detour=a round about road


storey=floor, level

toil=work hard

deterrent=tending to deter

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