ample = enough, specious, abundant
amplify = enlarge, increase, intensify
ancillary = supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate
anomaly = deviation from the rule, irregularity
artifact (BRITISH = artefact) = an object made by human, of historical interest
artisan = a skilled handicraftsman
authoritarian = dictator, extremely strict, bossy
autocrat = dictator or a high ranking government officer
bifurcated = divided into two branches, forked
blatant = glaring, obvious, showy
bountiful = abundant, plentiful
brazen = bold, shameless, impudent
breach = breaking of a rule, agreement, or law
caricature = cartoon, exaggerated portrait
carnivorous = meat-eating
catalyst = something that causes change without being changed
centripetal = tending toward the center
chaotic = in utter disorder
chauvinist = a man who thinks men are better than women
complement = To make complete, perfect
composure = Calmness of appearance
compress = to reduce, squeeze
constituent = electorate, component, part
constraint = something that limits what you can do
correlation = mutual relationship, association
corrugate = to wrinkle or draw into folds
depose = testify, to remove from a high position
depreciate = To lessen the worth of
determinate = Definitely limited or fixed, conclusive
dexterous = skillful, adroit
dwindle = To diminish or become less
earthy = crude
entity = being, existence
equity = impartiality, justice
equivocal = Ambiguous, open to two interpretations
eulogy = high praise
exotic = Foreign, romantic
extemporaneous = unrehearsed
fabricate = construct
fallible = Capable of erring
felicitous = very appropriate, pertinent
flair = a natural aptitude
flaunt = to show off
flora = plants
fraudulent = Counterfeit
fusion = union, coalition
germinate = To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form
heterogeneous = composed of unlike parts, different
hypothetical = theoretical, speculative
immune = Exempt, as from disease
imprudent = unwise
inception = The beginning
inconsequential = Valueless
indefatigable = never getting tired
indicative = suggestive, implying
indisputable = not disputed, unquestioned
infantile = childish, immature
ingenuous = naïve and unsophisticated
injurious = harmful
innovate = to invent, modernize
integrity = decency, honest, wholeness
intermittent = starting and stopping
introspective = looking within oneself
introvert = To turn within
invoke = request assistance or protection
iota = A small mark or part
irreverent = disrespectful
jaundice = disease of yellowish discoloration of skin
lackluster (BRITISH = lacklustre) = dull, dreary, colorless
laudable = Praiseworthy
lexicon = A dictionary
litigation = lawsuit
lunar = related to the moon
luscious = Rich, sweet, and delicious
metaphor = figure of speech comparing two different things
microcosm = The world on a small scale
migratory = Wandering from place to place with the seasons
mishap = Misfortune
mnemonic = related to memory
monotony = A lack of variation
omnivorous = eating everything
opportunist = One who takes advantage of circumstances
orifice = a small opening
overt = open to view
paradox = seemingly in contradiction
parasite = one who lives at another's expense
patent = the right to make or sell a new invention
pediatrician (BRITISH = paediatrician) = a child doctor
perusal = reading carefully
plenitude = Abundance
polyglot = Speaking several tongues
propagate = To spread
reactionary = related to, or favoring reaction
reciprocate = To give and take mutually
regimen = government rule, systematic plan
rehabilitate = To restore to a former status
reminiscence = remembrance of past events
renegade = rebel, dissident
resilient = the quality of springing back
retroactive = applying to an earlier time
sensual = related to the physical senses
strident = rough, harsh, caustic, loud
subliminal = subconscious, imperceptible
superannuated = retired
superficial = shallow and phony
supple = Easily bent
synchronous = happening at the same time
tainted = contaminated, corrupt
talisman = an object supposed to bring good luck
theocracy = government by the priests
therapeutic = medicinal
tortuous = with bends or turns
transcend = To surpass
transmute = To change in nature or form
tribute = a gift or statement showing respect
turbulence = violent agitation
unobtrusive = inconspicuous, not blatant
vent = small opening, outlet
verisimilitude = appearance of being true
versatile = adaptable, all-purpose
vicarious = substitute, surrogate
viscous = sticky, gluey, thick
warranty = guarantee of a product's soundness
wax = increase, grow
weather = endure the effects of weather or other forces
yoke = join together, unite
temporal = limited by time, secular, not lasting forever
tenacious = persistent
tendentious = biased
tenet = doctrine, principle
tensile = capable of being stretched
tenuous = thin, insubstantial
tepid = lukewarm
terse = concise, brief
tether = tie down, tie with a rope
thrall = slave
thwart = to block or prevent from happening
timorous = fearful, timid
tirade = scolding speech
toady = fawner, sycophant
torpid = lethargic, inactive
transient = fleeting, temporary
translucent = clear, lucid, almost transparent
travesty = caricature, farce, parody
trenchant = incisive, penetrating
trepidation = fear
trite = commonplace, insincere
truculent = fierce, savage, tending to argue a lot
truism = self-evident truth
tryst = meeting, rendezvous
tumult = commotion
turbid = muddy, clouded
turgid = Swollen, not flowing
turpitude = Depravity, evil
tyro = beginner
umbrage = resentment
unctuous = insincere
unkempt = messy in appearance
unsullied = spotless
usurp = seize, to appropriate
usury = overcharge, lending money at illegal rates of interest
vacillate = To waver
vacuous = inane, empty, not showing intelligence or purpose
vapid = vacuous, insipid
venal = willing to do wrong for money
vendetta = grudge, feud
venerable = respected because of age
verdant = green, lush
vex = annoy, to irritate
vicissitude = changing fortunes
vie = compete
vignette = scene, decorative design
vilify = defame
vindicate = free from blame
virile = manly
virulent = deadly, poisonous
vitiate = spoil, ruin
vitriolic = scathing, burning
vociferous = adamant, clamoring
volition = free will
voluminous = bulky, extensive, or great quantity
wallow = indulge, luxuriate
wan = sickly pale
wane = dissipate, wither
wary = guarded, careful
welter = confusion, hodgepodge
whet = stimulate, to sharpen
wily = shrewd, clever
winsome = charming
wizened = shriveled
wraith = ghost
wry = twisted, amusing
zephyr = gentle breeze, west wind

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