amphibian = creature that lives on land and water
anachronism = Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time
angular = Sharp-cornered or sharp angled
anthropomorphous = Nonhuman having or resembling human form or quality
apothegm = a short saying
appraise = assess, evaluate the value
arable = suitable for cultivation
asperity = roughness of temper
assay = to analyze or estimate
audit = formal examination of final records
augury = prophecy or prediction of events
aver = to declare to be true
aversion = intense dislike
aviary = cage where birds are kept
banter = to tease playfully and in good humor
beatific = supremely happy, angelic, saintly
benighted = un enlightened
benison = Blessing
blanch = bleach, whiten, to take the color out
bludgeon = to hit someone several times with a heavy object
bolster = To support or make something strong
burnish = To make brilliant or shining
canny = clever and able to think quickly, especially about money or business
carnal = of the flesh, sensual
carp = to find faults, complain constantly
cavalcade = a procession or sequence
celerity = quick moving or acting
cession = Surrender, as of possessions or rights
champ = to chew noisily
chastise = to criticize or punish someone
chattel = piece of personal property
churlish = rude, ungracious
circumscribe = To confine within bounds
clairvoyant = who can see the future, having ESP
collate = to sort or put in proper order
complaisant = Agreeable, friendly
consequential = important
contumacious = rebellious
cuisine = cookery, style of cooking
culmination = climax, final stage
curator = in charge of a library or museum
daunt = to frighten, subdue
declivity = a place that declines or slopes downwards
deranged = insane, delirious, maniacal
derivative = copied or adapted, not original
descry = To discern, to discover or reveal
diffidence = shyness, lack of confidence
dirge = lament with music, funeral hymn
discomfit = To put to confusion, discomfort
discordant = harsh-sounding, badly out of tune
dissimulate = to disguise
distaff = the female branch of a family
dolt = a stupid person
domineer = to rule over something in a tyrannical way
doughty = brave, dauntless
dross = waste matter, worthless impurities
dyspeptic = suffering from indigestion, gloomy and irritable
effluvium = noxious smells
effusive = expressing emotion without restraint
elation = exhilaration, joy
eloquence = fluent and effective speech
emollient = cream for softening, making supple
ensconce = to hide safely, settle comfortably
enunciate = verbalize, articulate
epilogue = The close of a narrative or poem
epitome = A simplified representation
equestrian = one who rides on horseback
excoriate = to denounce
exculpate = to clear of blame or fault
expatiate = to discuss in detail, elaborate
expatriate = who does not live in one's own country
expurgate = to purify by removing obscenities
extrinsic = not inherent or essential, coming from without
extrovert = an outgoing person
fell = to chop, cut down
fervid = fervent, passionate
fetter = to restrain, to bind
finicky = meticulous, fussy
fissure = a crack or break
flaccid = limp, flabby, weak
flamboyant = Characterized by extravagance
fluster = confuse
forbearance = Patient endurance or toleration of offenses
forte = A strong point
fractious = wayward, unruly, disorderly
frenzied = feverishly fast, hectic
funereal = mournful, appropriate to a funeral
gall = bitterness, nerve
gambol = Playful leaping or frisking
gaunt = thin, emaciated
gustatory = relevant to the sense of tasting
hallow = to make holy
hoary = white, old
holocaust = widespread destruction
ignominious = Shameful
impious = not devout in religion
implacable = doubtful, dubious
improvident = lacking foresight or thrift
incarnadine = blood-red in color
indenture = bound to another by contract
interstice = a small space between things
iridescent = showing many colors
jettison = to throw overboard, abandon
jingoism = extremely aggressive and militant patriotism
lackadaisical = Listless, idle
languor = Lassitude of body or depression
lapidary = relating to precious stones
latitude = freedom from narrow limitations
lionize = treat as a celebrity
loiter = dawdle, loaf
lull = moment of calm
megalomania = mental state with delusions of wealth and power
mendacious = Untrue
meretricious = Alluring by false or gaudy show
molt = to shed hair, skin periodically
monastic = related to monks
morbid = abnormally gloomy
naiveté = a lack of worldly wisdom
nihilism = a belief in nothing, extreme skepticism
nomadic = moving from place to place
non sequitur = an irrelevant conclusion
nuptial = relating to marriage
objurgate = to chide, scold
opalescent = iridescent, displaying colors
ornithologist = scientist who studies birds
orotund = pompously said
palette = board for mixing paints
pastiche = imitation of another's style
patricide = murder of one's own father
peculation = theft of money or goods
pediment = triangular gable on a roof or façade
penumbra = partial shadow in an eclipse
permeable = penetrable
philology = study of words
plaintiff = injured person in a lawsuit
plangent = plaintive, resounding sadly
politic = expedient, prudent, well devised
potable = suitable for drinking
presentiment = sense of foreboding
primordial = existing at the beginning, rudimentary
pummel = beat, attack
putrid = dirty, rotten
quintessence = The most essential part of anything
ramshackle = dilapidated, falling to pieces
ratiocination = reasoning
raucous = Harsh sounding
ravenous = extremely hungry
rectitude = moral uprightness
refectory = dining hall
remediable = capable of being corrected
remonstrate = to protest or object
retinue = group of attendants
rococo = ornate, highly decorated
roil = to disturb or cause disorder
salubrious = healthy
serenity = calm, peacefulness
serrated = toothed, with a zigzag edge
sinuous = Curving in and out
slough = to discard or shed
sluggard = lazy, inactive person
sophist = person good at arguing deviously
sophomoric = immature and overconfident
staccato = marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds
succinct = Concise
synthetic = artificial, imitation
threnody = a sad poem or song, dirge
tremulous = trembling, fearful
tundra = treeless plain found in Arctic or sub arctic regions
upbraid = to scold sharply
vagrant = An idle wanderer
variegated = many-colored
vaunted = boasted, bragged
veracious = truthful, accurate
verity = Truth
vernal = related to spring
wrangle = loud quarrel

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